The Kirby Derby is a beloved Raleigh tradition, featuring wacky downhill soapbox racing and community fun. This year's theme, "Games People Play," invites participants to draw inspiration from their favorite games—whether board games, field games, video games, role-playing games, Olympic games, playground games, or even mind games. Let the games begin!
Founded in 2002 by the Pullen Park Terrace neighborhood, known for its Kirby and Bilyeu streets, the Kirby Derby has been a community staple. In 2017, the event found a new home at Dix Park, in partnership with the City of Raleigh.
Held on Saturday at Dix Park, this year marked the 22nd annual Kirby Derby. Christopher Dellano, a representative of the Kirby Derby, explained, "The event is modeled after the Red Bull Soapbox Race, with a bit of 'Little Rascals' charm. It's just a fun day for everyone."
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